MANUFACTURER | MODEL | FPS@MIN_MODEL(max 35)* | FPS@FULL_MODEL(max 35)* | Windows** | Ubuntu** |
35 35 35 35 24 |
35 35 35 21 12 |
yes yes yes yes yes |
no yes (nvidia) yes (nouveau/nvidia) no no |
Radeon R7950 |
35 |
35 |
yes |
no |
R5 Radeon HD7400 |
14 14 |
7 6 |
yes yes |
no no |
* can differ depending on hardware setup |
** as mentioned in minimum system requirements |
19 May 2016 - Release Notes for StarMonkey v2.0
12 March 2015 - Release Notes for StarMonkey v1.0.1
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TIME Prior to 1962, times are UT1. Dates thereafter are UTC. Any "b" symbol in the 1st-column denotes a B.C. date. First-column blank (" ") denotes an A.D. date. Calendar dates prior to 1582-Oct-15 are in the Julian calendar system. Later calendar dates are in the Gregorian system. Time tags refer to the same instant throughout the universe, regardless of where the observer is located. The dynamical Coordinate Time scale is used internally. It is equivalent to the current IAU definition of "TDB". Conversion between CT and the selected non-uniform UT output scale has not been determined for UTC times after the next July or January 1st. The last known leap-second is used over any future interval. NOTE: "n.a." in output means quantity "not available" at the print-time. R.A._(ICRF/J2000.0)_DEC = J2000.0 astrometric right ascension and declination of target center. Adjusted for light-time. Units: HMS (HH MM SS.ff) and DMS (DD MM SS.f) R.A._(a-apparent)__DEC. = Airless apparent right ascension and declination of the target center with respect to the Earth true-equator and the meridian containing the Earth true equinox of date. Adjusted for light-time, gravitational deflection of light, stellar aberration, precession & nutation. Units: HMS (HH MM SS.ff) and DMS (DD MM SS.f) dRA*cosD d(DEC)/dt = The rate of change of target center apparent RA and DEC (airless). d(RA)/dt is multiplied by the cosine of the declination. Units: ARCSECONDS PER HOUR Azi_(a-appr)_Elev = Airless apparent azimuth and elevation of target center. Adjusted for light-time, the gravitational deflection of light, stellar aberration, precession and nutation. Azimuth measured North(0) -> East(90) -> South(180) -> West(270) -> North (360). Elevation is with respect to plane perpendicular to local zenith direction. TOPOCENTRIC ONLY. Units: DEGREES dAZ*cosE d(ELV)/dt = The rate of change of target center apparent azimuth and elevation (airless). d(AZ)/dt is multiplied by the cosine of the elevation angle. TOPOCENTRIC ONLY. Units: ARCSECOND/MINUTE X & Y satellite coordinates & position angle = Satellite differential coordinates WRT the primary body along with the satellite position angle. Differential coordinates are defined in RA as X=[(RA_sat - RA_primary)*COS(DEC_primary)], in DEC as Y=(DEC_sat-DEC_primary). Non-Lunar satellites only. "SatPANG" is the angle from the North Celestial Pole measured counter-clockwise (CCW, or east) to a line from primary/planet center to satellite center. Units: ARCSECONDS (X & Y) and DEGREES (position angle) L_Ap_Sid_Time = Local Apparent Sidereal Time. The angle measured westward in the body true-equator of-date plane from the meridian containing the body-fixed observer to the meridian containing the true Earth equinox (defined by intersection of the true Earth equator of date with the ecliptic of date). TOPOCENTRIC ONLY. Units: HH MM SS.ffff. a-mass mag_ex= RELATIVE optical airmass and visual magnitude extinction. Airmass is the ratio between the absolute optical airmass for the targets refracted CENTER point to the absolute optical airmass at zenith. Also output is the estimated visual magnitude extinction due to the atmosphere, as seen by the observer. AVAILABLE ONLY FOR TOPOCENTRIC EARTH SITES WHEN THE TARGET IS ABOVE THE HORIZON Units: None (airmass) and magnitudes (extinction). APmag S-brt = Suns approximate apparent visual magnitude & surface brightness. APmag= M - 5 + 5*log10(d), where M= 4.83 and d= distance from Sun in parsecs. Units: MAGNITUDE & VISUAL MAGNITUDES PER SQUARE ARCSECOND Illu% = Fraction of target circular disk illuminated by Sun (phase), as seen by observer. Units: PERCENT Def_illu = Defect of illumination. Maximum angular width of target circular disk diameter not illuminated by the Sun. Units: ARCSECONDS ang-sep/v = Target-primary angular separation and visibility. The angle between the center of target object and the center of the primary body it revolves around, as seen by the observer. Units: ARCSECONDS Non-lunar natural satellite visibility codes (limb-to-limb): /t = Transitting primary body disk, /O = Occulted by primary body disk, /p = Partial umbral eclipse, /P = Occulted partial umbral eclipse, /u = Total umbral eclipse, /U = Occulted total umbral eclipse, /- = Target is the primary body, /* = None of above ("free and clear") Ang-diam = The equatorial angular width of the target body full disk, if it were fully visible to the observer. Units: ARCSECONDS Ob-lon Ob-lat = Apparent planetographic ("geodetic") longitude and latitude (IAU2009 model) of the center of the target disk seen by the observer at print-time. This is NOT exactly the same as the "sub-observer" (nearest) point for a non-spherical target shape, but is generally very close if not an irregular body shape. Light travel-time from target to observer is taken into account. Latitude is the angle between the equatorial plane and the line perpendicular to the reference ellipsoid of the body. The reference ellipsoid is an oblate spheroid with a single flatness coefficient in which the y-axis body radius is taken to be the same value as the x-axis radius. For the gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, IAU2009 longitude is based on the "System III" prime meridian rotation angle of the magnetic field. By contrast, pole direction (thus latitude) is relative to the body dynamical equator. There can be an offset between the magnetic pole and the dynamical pole of rotation. Positive longitude is to the EAST. Units: DEGREES Sl-lon Sl-lat = Apparent planetographic ("geodetic") longitude and latitude of the Sun (IAU2009) as seen by the observer at print-time. This is NOT exactly the same as the "sub-solar" (nearest) point for a non-spherical target shape, but is generally very close if not an irregular body shape. Light travel-time from Sun to target and from target to observer is taken into account. Latitude is the angle between the equatorial plane and the line perpendicular to the reference ellipsoid of the body. The reference ellipsoid is an oblate spheroid with a single flatness coefficient in which the y-axis body radius is taken to be the same value as the x-axis radius. For the gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, IAU2009 longitude is based on the "System III" prime meridian rotation angle of the magnetic field. By contrast, pole direction (thus latitude) is relative to the body dynamical equator. There can be an offset between the magnetic pole and the dynamical pole of rotation. Positive longitude is to the EAST. Units: DEGREES SN.ang SN.ds = Target sub-solar point position angle (CCW, or east, with respect to the direction of the true-of-date Celestial North Pole) and its angular distance from the sub-observer point (center of disk) at print time. Negative distance indicates sub-solar point on hidden hemisphere. Units: DEGREES and ARCSECONDS NP.ang NP.ds = Targets North pole position angle (CCW, or east, with respect to direction of true-of-date Celestial North Pole) and its angular distance from the sub-observer point (center of disk) at observation time. Negative distance indicates the planets North pole is on the hidden hemisphere. Units: DEGREES and ARCSECONDS hEcl-Lon hEcl-Lat = Geometric heliocentric J2000 ecliptic longitude and latitude of target center at the instant light leaves it to be observed at print time (print time minus 1-way light-time). Units: DEGREES r rdot = Heliocentric range ("r", light-time corrected) and range-rate ("rdot") of the target center at the instant light seen by the observer at print-time would have left the target center (print-time minus down-leg light-time). The Sun-to-target distance traveled by a ray of light emanating from the center of the Sun that reaches the target center point at some instant and is recordable by the observer one down-leg light-time later at print-time. Units: AU and KM/S delta deldot = Range ("delta") and range-rate ("delta-dot") of target center with respect to the observer at the instant light seen by the observer at print-time would have left the target center (print-time minus down-leg light-time); the distance traveled by a light ray emanating from the center of the target and recorded by the observer at print-time. "deldot" is a projection of the velocity vector along this ray, the light-time-corrected line-of-sight from the coordinate center, and indicates relative motion. A positive "deldot" means the target center is moving away from the observer (coordinate center). A negative "deldot" means the target center is moving toward the observer. Units: AU and KM/S 1-way_LT = 1-way down-leg light-time from target center to observer. The elapsed time since light (observed at print-time) would have left or reflected off a point at the center of the target. Units: MINUTES VmagSn VmagOb = Magnitude of target center velocity wrt Sun ("VmagSn") and the observer ("VmagOb") at the time light left the target center to be observed (print time minus 1-way light-time). These are absolute values of the velocity vectors (total speeds) and do not indicate direction of motion. Units: KM/S S-O-T /r = Sun-Observer-Target angle; targets apparent solar elongation seen from observer location at print-time. If negative, the target center is behind the Sun. Angular units: DEGREES. The "/r" column is a Sun-relative code, output for observing sites with defined rotation models only. /T indicates target trails Sun (evening sky) /L indicates target leads Sun (morning sky) NOTE: The S-O-T solar elongation angle is the total separation in any direction. It does not indicate the angle of Sun leading or trailing. S-T-O = "S-T-O" is the Sun->Target->Observer angle; the interior vertex angle at target center formed by a vector to the apparent center of the Sun at reflection time on the target and the apparent vector to the observer at print-time. Slightly different from true PHASE ANGLE (requestable separately) at the few arcsecond level in that it includes stellar aberration on the down-leg from target to observer. Units: DEGREES T-O-M/Illu% = Target-Observer-Moon/Illuminated percentage. The apparent lunar elongation angle between target body CENTER and the Moons CENTER, seen from the observing site, along with fraction of the lunar disk illuminated by the Sun. A negative lunar elongation angle indicates the target center is behind the Moon. Units: DEGREES & PERCENT. O-P-T = Observer-Primary-Target angle; apparent angle between a target satellite, its primary's center and an observer, at observing location, at print time. Units: DEGREES PsAng PsAMV = The position angles of the extended Sun->target radius vector ("PsAng") and the negative of the targets heliocentric velocity vector ("PsAMV"), as seen in the observers plane-of-sky, measured CCW (east) from reference frame North Celestial Pole. Computed for small-bodies only (and primarily intended for ACTIVE COMETS), "PsAng" is an indicator of the comets gas-tail orientation in the sky (being in the anti-sunward direction) while "PsAMV" is an indicator of dust-tail orientation. Units: DEGREES. PlAng = Angle between observer and target orbital plane, measured from center of target at the moment light seen at observation time leaves the target. Positive values indicate observer is above the objects orbital plane, in the direction of reference frame +z axis. Small-bodies only. Units: DEGREES. Cnst = Constellation ID; the 3-letter abbreviation for the name of the constellation containing the target centers astrometric position, as defined by IAU (1930) boundary delineation. See documentation for list of abbreviations. CT-UT = Difference between uniform Coordinate Time scale and Earth-rotation dependent Universal Time. Prior to 1962, the difference is with respect to UT1 (CT-UT1). For 1962 and later, the delta is with respect to UTC (CT-UTC). Values beyond the next July or January 1st may change if a leap-second is introduced. Units: SECONDS ObsEcLon ObsEcLat = Observer-centered Earth ecliptic-of-date longitude and latitude of the target centers apparent position, adjusted for light-time, the gravitational deflection of light and stellar aberration. Although centered on the observer, the values are expressed relative to coordinate basis directions defined by the Earths true equator-plane, equinox direction, and mean ecliptic plane at print time. Units: DEGREES N.Pole-RA N.Pole-DC ICRF/J2000.0 Right Ascension and Declination (IAU2009 rotation model) of target bodies North Pole direction at the time light left the body to be observed at print time. Units: DEGREES GlxLon GlxLat = Observer-centered Galactic System II (post WW II) longitude and latitude of the target centers apparent position. Adjusted for light-time, gravitational deflection of light, and stellar aberration. Units: DEG DEG L_Ap_SOL_Time = Local Apparent SOLAR Time for observing site. This is the time indicated by a sundial. TOPOCENTRIC ONLY. Units: HH MM SS.ffff (sexagesimal angular hours) 399_ins_LT = Instantaneous light-time of the station with respect to Earth center at print-time. The geometric (or "true") separation of site and Earth center, divided by the speed of light. Units: MINUTES RA_3sigma DEC_3sigma = Uncertainty in Right-Ascension and Declination. Output values are the formal +/- 3 standard-deviations (sigmas) around nominal position. Units: ARCSECONDS SMAA_3sig SMIA_3sig Theta Area_3sig = Plane-of-sky (POS) error ellipse data. These quantities summarize the targets 3-dimensional 3-standard-deviation formal uncertainty volume projected into a reference plane perpendicular to the observers line-of-sight. SMAA_3sig = Angular width of the 3-sigma error ellipse semi-major axis in POS. Units: ARCSECONDS. SMIA_3sig = Angular width of the 3-sigma error ellipse semi-minor axis in POS. Units: ARCSECONDS. Theta = Orientation angle of the error ellipse in POS; the clockwise angle from the direction of increasing RA to the semi-major axis of the error ellipse, in the direction of increasing DEC. Units: DEGREES. Area_3sig = Area of sky enclosed by the 3-sigma error ellipse. Units: ARCSECONDS ^ 2. POS_3sigma = The Root-Sum-of-Squares (RSS) of the 3-standard deviation plane-of-sky error ellipse major and minor axes. This single pointing uncertainty number gives an angular distance (a circular radius) from the targets nominal position in the sky that encompasses the error-ellipse. Units: ARCSECONDS. RNG_3sigma RNGRT_3sig = Range and range rate (radial velocity) formal 3-standard-deviation uncertainties. Units: KM, KM/S DOP_S-sig DOP_X-sig RT_delay-sig = Doppler radar uncertainties at S-band (2380 MHz) and X-band (8560 MHz) frequencies, along with the round-trip (total) delay to first-order. Units: HERTZ and SECONDS Tru_Anom = Apparent true anomaly angle of the targets heliocentric orbit position; the angle in the targets instantaneous orbit plane from the orbital periapse direction to the target, measured positively in the direction of motion. The position of the target is taken to be at the moment light seen by the observer at print-time would have left the center of the object. That is, the heliocentric position of the target used to compute the true anomaly is one down-leg light-time prior to the print-time. Units: DEGREES L_ap_Hour_Ang = Local apparent HOUR ANGLE of target at observing site. The angle between the observers meridian plane, containing Earths axis of-date and local zenith direction, and a great circle passing through Earths axis-of-date and the targets direction, measured westward from the zenith meridian to target meridian along the equator. Negative values are angular times UNTIL transit. Positive values are angular times SINCE transit. Exactly 24_hrs/360_degrees. EARTH TOPOCENTRIC ONLY. Units: sHH MM SS.fff (sexagesimal angular hours) phi PAB-LON PAB-LAT = "phi" is the true PHASE ANGLE at the observers location at print time. "PAB-LON" and "PAB-LAT" are the J2000 ecliptic longitude and latitude of the phase angle bisector direction; the outward directed angle bisecting the arc created by the apparent vector from Sun to target center and the astrometric vector from observer to target center. For an otherwise uniform ellipsoid, the time when its long-axis is perpendicular to the PAB direction approximately corresponds to lightcurve maximum (or maximum brightness) of the body. PAB is discussed in Harris et al., Icarus 57, 251-258 (1984). Units: DEGREES, DEGREES, DEGREES, DEGREES
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